What makes Basmati and Thai rice so fragrant?


Rice is the most widely consumed staple food providing a fifth of the world’s calories on a daily basis. In 2012 over 700 million tonnes was produced and there are more than 40,000 varieties. Of these varieties certain strains are prized for their fragrant aroma including Basmati and Thai rice. Their distinctive aroma is due primarily to the presence of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline which can be used as a marker to assess rice quality.

The FlavourSpec® is a fast analytical tool that combines automated sample-handling, headspace, separation, detection and reporting into one easy-to-use package. It allows quantification and comparison of the aroma compounds in different rice samples within minutes without the need for complicated sample preparation. The sensitivity and selectivity of the Ion Mobility detector means that key target compounds, responsible for desirable fragrance and/or off-odour, can be detected even down at the sub-ppbv range.


  • Detection and quantitation of desirable fragrances and off-odours
  • Classification of rice types
  • Quality control and quality assurance of rice batches

Advantages of using the FlavourSpec®:

  • Sensitivity and selectivity
  • Ease of use at home in the lab or at the production line
  • Fast analysis
  • Automated workflow
  • Minimal sample preparation
  • Reliable sample handling and sequencing

For more information on this application or to find out how the FlavourSpec can help you with your analysis